So now I’m going to daydream that I’m back in the Outer Banks!
A couple nights before we left Max & I went on a double date with our old friends that we literally haven’t seen in forever… I’m talking last summer ’06! We went to a Mexican place in Niagara Falls & got the best food.
It was so nice to see them & catch up & hear how great they’re doing. Hands down Kyle & Amanda are one of my favorite couples; they are both so funny & nice. They have a baby that’s going to be 2 in September & they are amazing parents to that baby girl. I just LOVE them & being around them & their energy. Can’t wait for their wedding!
The next night we hosted a Cinco de Mayo ‘party’ & made margaritas… A LOT of margs! Aha! Katie & Kyle were our first& (what we thought) only guest, so we drove to Mighty Taco for dinner, because what’s Cinco de Mayo without tacos & tequila?? More of our friends ended up showing up & I ended the night by spilling an entire pitcher of margs & putting highlighter all over Kyle’s hand… The goal of this night, however, was to get Max drunk enough so he would agree to go to the Outer Banks (thanks Pete & Macko!) & he…
DID! The next morning we woke up to a phone call from Macko waking him up, so we quickly packed him a suitcase & he left with the guys at 6a! YAY! I luckily was driving with the girls who were fine with leaving a little later around 9a…again, YAY!
We stopped in Virginia on the way there & stayed at my Aunt Kelly’s house, like always! The night we got in we went out to dinner with my aunt, uncle & cousin to a Mexican restaurant down the street (we always go there when we have visitors)! We didn’t really have time for much but the next morning we set our alarms so that we would have enough time to see the White House & a couple monuments. The girls had never seen the White House so it was cool to them around a place I had been visiting since I was 3!
After breakfast at Einstein Bagel & quickly visiting DC & saying goodbye, we headed to North Carolina! The first night there we basically just got accustomed to the house & had a chill night. Max & I took a walk on the beach when we first got there because what’s the point of staying on the beach if you’re not going to take advantage of it?? So we took walks every day (even on the rainy days).
There was also this pond where we were staying & any time you’d go to it the turtles living in it would literally swarm to you. So the one day Max & I walked down so he could feed them some lettuce aha! He was in heaven.
The next 3 days were pretty nice, although the weather didn’t top 70 & the last 2 days it rained, we definitely made the most of our time! The pool was heated & there was a hot tub, so even though the weather was cool we stayed warm!
We only went out one night that week & it was to a buffet style seafood place. It was amazing; I never ate that much crab in my life! The other nights we ate in, it was so nice to just hangout & get away from New York!
Saturday we left after dinner & made our way back to Virginia. This time, Max came with the girls & we stopped at another Mexican restaurant, Chuy’s; one of my favorite places in Virginia. Then got to Aunt Kelly’s & went straight to bed because it was after 12a & we had a long week!
Sunday we woke up early, said goodbye & grabbed breakfast at Einstein Bagel before we headed on our way home! It was Mother’s Day so I was glad I made home in time to go to my aunt’s Mother’s Day party & see my family! When I finally got home that night Max & ordered Chinese food & fell asleep watching The Blacklist. Like I said, it was a long week!
Now I’m going to heat up a couple muffins with some vegan butter & maybe do something productive…
Happy Friday!
That’s all…xxTay!