Friday was a great start to the weekend, I left work early to meet my family & Max for lunch at Duff’s (I got a veggie burger).
*Side note: I’m actually starting to enjoy my job; I talked with my boss & tech support about my biggest weakness & they really helped me understand my job so much! I’m really confident now which makes a HUGE difference in everything from clock-in to clock-out…YAY!*
My aunt Kelly was in town this past week & I hadn’t seen her at all, so it was nice to get lunch & catch up a bit. After lunch Max & I took Russell for a walk around the park.
Later that evening I wasn’t feeling 100% but Max forced me to “put some pants on & get up” because he was hungry & it was beautiful out. I agreed & did what he said…RARE! We went out to eat at some Cajun place that I’d never even heard of & it ended up being really good…nice work, bud!
While we were at dinner my dad called asking us to meet him out for a drink aka he needed a DD. So we met him & his friends out for a drink (or a few)…
Saturday, Max got up at 5.30a to go fishing, which meant Prince & I got the whole bed to ourselves (Simba was already up watching for birds)! I had breakfast & left to take Russell to the park. For whatever reason the park was blocked off for an event so we just ended up walking around the neighborhood for half an hour, which actually sucks because he stops to pee on EVERY tree…
That night our group of friends went to the Jason Aldean concert! We all LOVE country music, except Kyle, Katie’s boyfriend, but we still had a great time.
Sunday was such a perfect day! It started off a little dreary & slow so Max & I did a decent amount of spring cleaning (a little late); thankfully Monday is garbage day because we accumulated so much shit on the curb. We’re still in the process of cleaning but we decluttered so much, our shoe box apartment feels so much more open! Around dinner time we noticed the sun was out so we went to the river for some food. We hadn’t eaten since breakfast because we literally got in the ZONE so we ordered so much food! I tried getting Max to get ice cream with me but he probably would’ve died right there.
That night, we finished some tidying up & watched some more of The Blacklist til we fell asleep…all in all it was a successful weekend! & I don’t have a sad case of the Mondays after this weekend, like I said, I’m starting to enjoy my job and look forward to getting shit done RIGHT! Seriously it makes all the difference. Along with the great weather.
Happy Monday!
That’s all…xxTay!