So I went on a coffee cleanse recently & I hated it. I was a miserable troll for a full week maybe a little longer…Every other day I had a headache, I was tired, I missed the taste, I was just miserable. But I did it & there were plenty of positives…I think. Like I said the first week was torture. I couldn’t wake up & I was going to bed at 8p because I would have horrible headaches & I was just tired. I can’t lie a few of the days I would take an Excedrin because there was no way I could work with a throbbing headache & then make it through a second job. It was definitely a burden to not have coffee. It’s a habit to wake up, turn on the Kuerig or coffee pot & brew up some coffee. Grab a thermos & have a warm brew on the way to work & on a good day, still some left once you get to work. It was definitely a struggle. I honestly thought it would only take about three days to get over it..I did not expect it to last a full week…it did!
The second week I was pretty okay…Sunday I went to brunch & didn’t have a cup of coffee with everyone else & I was half okay with it, half really jealous of everyone else! But really I was fine… That whole week I woke up early everyday & three of the 5 days I actually got up & went to cycling!
The third week went pretty much the same way. We went to brunch on Sunday & everyone ordered a cup of coffee except me & I was okay with it, really! That week I also woke up before my alarm & went to the gym 2 out of the 5 week days I also noticed I worked out worked out on the weekend! I was sleeping through the night better & not even waking up in the middle of the night to pee!
The end of the third week I was golden. They say that if you can something (like give up coffee) for 21 days it becomes a habit & who ever those people are, let me tell you, they’re right! I don’t need it in the morning to be a normal functioning human being…AHA!
The 22nd day I had a cup of coffee! The 22nd day happened to be Hollyann’s wedding day & her dad brought home donuts & coffee! I figured 1 cup wouldn’t hurt so I had half a cup! Let me tell you that the caffeine in it actually worked. I was wide awake all day! My body hadn’t been used to it…AHA!
After my 21 day coffee cleanse I can tell you a lot of benefits to taking the same kind of cleanse challenge!
1. My skin cleared up!
I noticed my skin was getting clear & I wasn’t breaking out when I normally do. I also know when it’s that time of the month because I break out horribly around my chin & this time around I didn’t!
2. I sleep so much better!
I seriously sleep right through the night without interruption. I used to wake up in the middle of the night to pee or if the cats decided to practice a dance routine at 3a…I get such a deep sleep now!
3. I have a better sleep schedule!
I’m tired at a consistent time & I wake up at a consistent time. Both times are early, I wake up early & want to go to bed early, but they’re consistent!
3. When I do drink coffee it works!
I definitely did NOT give up coffee for good. I have a cup or two a week if that but that’s it. I noticed that when I do have my coffee it actually works really well. Like what it’s actually used for, it works for me!
4. No more headaches!
JK but I don’t get them as often as I used to. The first week of no coffee yes, but after that I’ve had maybe 2 & I could actually work through them.
5. I have steady energy!
I have steady energy throughout the entire day & no crashes around a certain time. I desire naps but not because my coffee is wearing off but because I’m tired from going out the night before & having to wake up early. I have a steady energy level throughout the day & get tired when it’s bedtime not nap time!
6. Not as crazy!
I feel so much more calm about things. I’m not always thinking about things & at night I can fall asleep faster without laying awake because my mind is racing!
I’m sure there are more that I haven’t physically noticed but it was a good experience. The reason I will not cut coffee out of my lifestyle completely is because I LOVE coffee. It just tastes good. & I still believe there is no place for decaf! There’s just something about having a nice cup of Jo every once & a while!
Happy Wednesday!
That’s all…xxTay!
Wow it really sounds like I should do a coffee cleanse, too! 😀 I am kind of obsessed with it and can’t start the day without a good cup of coffee. I think it will be very hard but sounds like I should give it a try 🙂
Everything is worth a try! I would definitely do it especially if you rely on it!