Lately, Max & I have been really into building our credit & saving money, but I feel like that’s not enough. I even downloaded Credit Karma thanks to Max, so I can keep track of payments & bills. It’s very hard for me because one of my favorite things to do is online shop & any time I get an email with the word SALE in it I immediately open it and follow the link to the website!
I like to think of myself as someone with champagne taste on a beer budget & to make things clear I’m not proudly stating this… As you can see from my last post, I really am trying to cut back on spending. Max & I stayed in almost all weekend except for the craft show (I only bought 2 things for less than $50!) & brunch & date night Friday night, but food is a necessity.
Obviously I need a little more discipline if I’m going to take this seriously, but I’m getting there! Besides, Rome wasn’t built in a day…
I used to have a budget list & write everything down & not open store emails & eat in almost every night except special occasions (& have 3 jobs). So I’m going to try to adapt those back into my lifestyle (not the 3 jobs, though). Hopefully this will work, wish me luck!
Any other finance tips??
That’s all…xxTay!