What is the first thing you do in the morning?
Well, the second I wake up I put my hair up & I pee, wash my hands then brush my teeth. I have this weird thing where I don’t drink or eat anything unless I’ve brushed my teeth because I feel like I’m just swallowing all the bacteria that’s accumulated in my mouth all night. Is that a thing?? I think it is!
I always brush my teeth first thing in the morning, sometimes at night I forget or am too lazy to before bed, but I never forget to brush my teeth in the morning. Even when I’m hungover I wake up brush my teeth, go back to bed & then when I officially wake up, I brush my teeth again. I just love the feeling of a clean mouth but I HATE gum!
Next, I drink a ton of water…I don’t have a specific amount like 8oz or 16oz, I try to have a decent amount before I leave for work but never a set amount. If I work out it’s more than 20oz, if I don’t work out I at least have more than 8oz, if I’m hungover I’m not counting but It’s definitely closer to 32oz…AHA! I continue to drink a lot of water throughout the day because at night I don’t drink as much water…more wine than water…
Lately, I’ve been lighting candles to get the morning started. Maybe because I was ready for fall the day I got back from LA but it’s so peaceful to just drink my morning coffee & smell pumpkins!
Lastly, I like to reflect…what did I get done so far, what should I get done before the day ends, can I do it before I leave for work or before the day ends. This is very important to me because I like to make lists & I like to check things off. I usually do this when I’m getting ready aka putting on all my lotions & serums & taking my vitamins while drinking more water!
I’m not someone who meditates, I just have this feeling if I did I would fall asleep & lose my job…AHA! But really I like doing something while I reflect because it makes me feel more productive. I may start meditating, though…it might be theraputic!
Happy Hump Day!
That’s all…xxTay!