Whatever, getting & staying on track isn’t easy but life is all about balance. If you know you’re going to be going out for dinner make healthier options throughout the day leading up to a night out. In this case I didn’t know we were going out with friends but I ate healthy all day & you always have your next meal or the next day to get back on track!
I LOVE brining my own lunch to work with me that way I know I’m going to be eating healthy. The days our office orders out I know a head of time so I can look at the menu & see my options. Those nights Max & I usually eat in so we can cook something healthy (for me, not usually him)! When I worked at the mall I would always bring my own lunch so that I wouldn’t be tempted to go down to the food court. There were days that I was asked to stay & cover a shift so those were they days I would eat food court food or run & get sushi with Max!
I miss working in retail because I was always on my feet walking around, now I sit at a desk all day & the only times I get up are to fill up my water bottle & go pee…Because I don’t really move a lot during the work day I try to get up a little earlier in the morning before work & do some yoga or if I have the time for both I’ll do 10-20 minutes of cardio! Whether I wake up in the morning & move or not I always move after work. This could be a walk with Russell, a YouTube video, some cardio, or yoga!
After I do at least 20 minutes of something I try to make something healthy to eat. This way when Max & I decide what to eat for dinner I won’t be tempted to eat something shitty. When you feel good, you eat well & when you eat like shit, you feel like shit! Who else doesn’t want to ruin a workout by eating a donut?? Well sometimes!
Anyway, here’s “sort of” how I got back on track this week:
First things first, I woke up late…like really late aka 15 minutes after the time I usually leave for work…Then I made breakfast, always make breakfast even if it’s an apple or a smoothie! Then I left for work.
After work, I took Russell for a walk but it was so hot we had to cut it short & when we got back to my parent’s house he threw up…
Our walk was slow & about 30 minutes so when I got home I did 15 minutes on my bike & some yoga! After I showered Max & I met our friends out for Mexican & I ate like crap.
Fast forward to Thursday, a new day & continuing to get back on track. I grabbed a quick breakfast & headed to work, where I ate it.
After work I took Russell for another (shorter) walk & went home to go on my bike & do some yoga.
Max was already home so after I showered we went grocery shopping & went home to make dinner: we made “healthy” tacos! Sort of, at least we ate in instead out again…if you want to make healthy tacos, you can always swap out the tortilla shell for romaine leaves!
After dinner we even had time to watch 2 episodes of The Blacklist! Seriously, everyone needs to watch that show!
Happy Friday!
That’s all…xxTay!
I LOVE your gym bag, it’s amazing! Plus your doggy is a real cutie xx
Thank you! I think I got it from aerie but they sell them all over now!
This is so lovely babe
Filipa xxx
PlayingWithApparel.com | Instagram
Thank you!
Your dog is so cute!!
xx- Nina
Thank you!
I totally feel you on the missing-not-sitting-all-day. I took an aerial yoga class this weekend and feel so inspired to keep up the healthiness!
xx Pia
I love taking classes. It makes me feel so motivated to keep going!