Personally, I think if you get your heart rate up for 30 minutes a day you’re fine, but I’m no doctor. Whether you’re doing HIIT or a walk around the neighborhood, I still consider that a workout. At least you got off the couch, right?? If you’re trying to make a significant difference in your weight & how you feel then you should step up your workout game, from walks to HIIT & other challenging workouts!
I think my biggest piece of advice for getting into shape would be to join a program with a community that can motivate & keep you accountable! Or get a workout buddy (someone who is going to take it seriously) to get into shape with! My friend & I tried being workout buddies & it didn’t go well, at all. I’d show up at her house & she’d be sleeping at noon & then talk me into getting food instead. We made a horrible team…AHA! My best friend & I were the perfect team, we would got to cycling twice a week together & then she moved. So there’s that!
You have to find something that works for you, your level of fitness & your lifestyle.
I leave you with this last piece of advice:
Veggie burger for me…AHA!
That’s all…xxTay!