Alter goals to fit your lifestyle. It’s so beautiful outside why would I want to sit in a dark cycling room or on my bike at home?? I want to be outside enjoying the summer so I started rollerblading in the morning before work & before the heat & I LOVE it!
I used to Rollerblade all of the time before I moved to Virginia. My cousin & I started in college, rollerblading around > or down by the river during our summer breaks, then we stopped. When I started dating Max, he would have to get up super early for work so I would get up with him & roller blade around the park before work. Sometimes, he would even come with me on the weekends! When I moved home from Virginia I didn’t go a lot because my job started at 8a & last summer I didn’t go once…This summer my goal is to go a lot more because I really enjoy it, it’s a great workout & I get to be outside!
This hill, though………..
Yesterday, I only made it around the park once because I now have a bruise from the roller blade rubbing against my shin & it HURTS, so I went home & did 20 minutes on my bike! This morning I went rollerblading, again & did a few toning moves when I got home, before I had to start getting ready for work!
Do what works for your life style & your schedule! Not to mention do what you like! There are so many ways to move, especially in the summer, you just have to find what it is you like to do! If running isn’t your thing, don’t run…rent/buy a bike…if cycling isn’t your thing, go swimming…go kayaking…go for a walk…yoga in the park, anyone?? ETC…ETC…there’s so much to do, you just gotta do it & enjoy!
Happy Friday!
That’s all…xxTay!