Thursday, Max & I bought a pumpkin & Alison, Lindsey & Olivia came over to carve it. Instead we had a girl’s night while Max carved it! Alison also had a surprise for us girls & asked us all to be in her wedding! Did I meantion I’m her made of honor!!
Friday, we went out to eat with our friends Taylor & Tommy! We tried a new Japanese restaurant & LOVED it!
Saturday, we went to my Gram’s to close up her house so she could move closer to our family for the winter. She bought a house in town so she’ll be there when the weather gets bad!
I got back to town & went straight to uncle Richie’s salon to get my hair cut. That night we were going out for Leanne’s birthday dinner, so my hair was already done for the night!
Sunday, I did absolutely nothing… Not kidding. I payed in bed all day watching He’s Just Not That Into You & other chic flicks. Then caught up with the Katdashians by watching 4 consecutive episodes. Then Max got back from the game & brought home Chinese food! I can say, though, that I did pick my car up from the shop & dropped Max’s off in place. (The shop is literally at our corner)! But I did something productive…AHA!
Tonight, I’m going over to my mom’s for her annual Halloween party. Then Max & I will be meeting my friend out for a taco crawl! I hope everyone has a safe & fun night!
Happy Halloween!
That’s all…xxTay!