I love starting challenges at the beginning of months because it’s like a fresh start. This month starts The Bikini Series from Tone It Up! I’m so excited to start that challenge, they make it every year right before summer to get you to feel your best & Most confident! Even if it’s on a Tuesday or a Friday, it’s never too late to set a goal! I always start a squat challenge & fall of by week 2, but I tried. Sometimes it’s dairy other times it’s drinking. I still don’t eat as much dairy as I used to 5 years ago, almost none at all, unless it’s in a dip or I forget to order something without cheese!
It’s like seeing what you can or can’t live without. In college I took an environmental class & we had to live without a lot things for one week, ie: using reusable mugs, not eating things individually wrapped (granola bars), unplugging everything, timing our showers, walking EVERYWHERE, etc… To this day, I still try to unplug things that don’t need to be plugged it like laptop chargers & hair tools & microwaves (ours never has the right time when it’s on…aha) & other little things to try & help the environment!
Maybe last month you told yourself you were going to cut back on drinking & hit the gym a little more & maybe that didn’t happen. Try again! Try a new work out regimen if you don’t have a set routine.
Try new recipes this month. I love going through cookbooks & trying different recipes, you never know what will stick that you would’ve never thought of before! Go to the farmer’s market, support locally grown produce, you never know what you’ll find! If you told yourself you’d stop eating out less, go grocery shopping, this goes back to going through cookbooks & finding new recipes. Eating in also helps you save money…maybe that’s been your goal. Review your goals & set new ones!
In college I used to make vision boards! I followed The Secret to a T & I think it really works! It’s actually one of the things that Max & I had in common when we first met! He was talking about something that sounded like a reference to the book & it was, but he had watched the movie! Try following a new mantra. See what works for you!
New month, new you! Challenge yourself & try something you’ve never done before or been telling yourself you would!
Happy May 1st!
That’s all…xxTay!