So this week my planner said ‘Take yourself on a dinner date’ LOL absolutely not. Sorry Rachel, I know no one gives a crap if I sit a lone at a restaurant or not but I’m gonna with not. Don’t get me wrong, I can be a lone, I live a lone & am alone 92% of the time BUT I’m not gonna go out of my way to purposely isolate myself LOL
Anyway, I get the message, so I spent Saturday night alone, no plans, no dates, no nothing & it was great! I mean during quarantine I was alone a lot and when I had COIVID I spent a lot of Friday & Saturday nights alone BUT the difference was I didn’t have to sit home alone on a Saturday night. Giving yourself a night to just do nothing is actually very calming, like I was recharging & had no pressure to do anything but relax & be alone with my own thoughts.
I would definitely recommend ‘going on a dinner date alone’ LOL or spending a date night home alone or whatever you want ALONE. It’s so refreshing to not feel like you have to do anything or be anywhere etc… Even if you live with someone try to plan around their schedule. When I lived with my ex when I knew he was going out for a guys night I would have a self care night & just do whatever I wanted & RELAX, it was always so refreshing.
Sundays obviously are THE day for self care & getting your life together for the next week but planning a random night for yourself has so much less pressure, if that makes sense. Just trust me on this and schedule a date night with yourself. You won’t be disappointed. Even if you plan to do something like try a new recipe or make a vision board or start a new book, just be alone.
That’s all…xxTay!