1. My Fitness Pal: this is how I’ve been documenting everything. This app helps track everything you do & put in your body. I am obsessed. It tells you exactly what you need to do to reach your goals everyday. Seeing all the Twizzlers I eat in a day really helps me not want to reach for my third or fourth when my sugar cravings are screaming!
2. Apple Watch: this little helper really makes you want to move. I really like that it alerts you when you’ve been sitting for too long so you can hit your stand goal for the day. All goals are able to be customized so you can hit the goals you set for yourself! I LOVE when I fill all the rings, i just wish it happened more often than it does. I often times forgot to charge my watch & Max does his best to help by doing it himself but sometimes I fall short. This app is super helpful as long as you charge/wear your watch. Max’s job isn’t the ideal place to wear an Apple Watch or any watch for that matter with a glass screen. If you don’t have an Aplple watch, the FitBit app is just the same! I used to have a FitBit & was obsessed with hitting my step goal everyday! Get whatever works for you!
3. Google Calendars: scheduling workouts & other activities really helps keep you accountable. NEVER cancel on yourself, like my gym teacher used to tell us when we’d have to do annual fitness tests & try to “modify” the task, “you’re only cheating yourself!” It’s so true half assing workouts or skipping them completely only hurts you in the end. Just because you wrote it in your planner doesn’t mean you actually did it! Don’t cheat yourself, treat yoself! & maybe after your workout schedule a stop at DQ & really treat yoself!
4. Tone It Up: I follow 90% of the Tone It Up nutrition plan. I love everything they preach & practice & try to incorporate their plan into my healthy lifestyle. The app really helps you follow a fitness routine. They upload 5 daily moves that are different everyday! If you’re ever lost at the gym or home just open the app & they’ll have something for you to do!
5. YouTube: just type in what you’re looking for & a jillion videos will pop up. I love doing at home workouts & YouTube is the best place to find short/long videos to make you break a sweat! You can even find gym workouts on YouTube. I’ll even watch makeup tutorials while I’m doing cardio because cardio is tedious & unless you’re outside or in a class, BORING!
Bonus: Instagram! There is nothing more motivating than before & afters or healthy acai bowls! I love finding new health & fitness grams to follow or just creep to give me motivation to go to the gym or try a new recipe!
The Weather App! I love working out outside so checking the weather daily is a must if you want to plan your outdoor & gym workouts!
I hope these apps get you motivated to move & if not…You’re already staring at your phone screen so, download these apps & hit the pavement!
That’s all…xxTay!