Being organized is amazing! I love making lists, writing things down (hence blog) & putting shit in my planner. Everything should have a place & everything should be in its place or something like that.
With that being said I am kind of a slob, not disgusting but lazy (Max too)… Think Carrie Bradshaw using a chair & magazines as a night stand & having a FULL walk in closet, NOT hoarders (if we keep random stuff it’s because we’re too lazy to bring it downstairs to the garbage)… We’re just not clean freaks so a little mess or clutter doesn’t really bother either of us…
I clean the bathroom once a week & wipe down the kitchen counters every day. But when it comes to keeping things tidy I can’t get my shit together. I am constantly loosing things (recently I left my wallet at a bar, again, without even realizing til one of Max’s friends called him letting him know he found it) & making unnecessary piles of things I eventually just throw out.
I think I just have too much shit! I needed to spend a day going through everything that Max & I don’t need in our tiny apartment& putting together shelves so everything can have a place, not stacked in the bathroom & hidden in Max’s closet, as well as my own…
I now have three racks for clothes & outerwear when I don’t need that much shit to begin with. A second closet inside the bedroom that I use as a walk in closet & I put clothes in Max’s dresser in the bedroom & hide clothes in his closet… I know it’s bad I don’t need all this stuff if I’m hiding it just to store it somewhere, ya know?
Anyway, Sunday was our day. We threw away & donated so much shit! I had 3 garbage bags of clothes & shoes I donated & still have stuff to go through (including Max’s closet)… Max literally threw away shelves, a TV (didn’t work) & a hamper that the cats ripped apart, along with random shit we don’t need. It was so refreshing to just get rid of useless shit!
It was so easy to just get on a roll & it was contagious because once Max saw me cleaning & organizing, he immediately started cleaning, too! Basically my only tip is to start small; I started by doing the dishes & putting away our seasonal dishes. One thing led to another & soon enough I had a garbage bag filled with junk mail & beaten up cat toys…. It definitely helps if you have a partner so you can motivate each other to keep going & just get it done, kind of like a workout!
I’m glad it’s over with… Last night I thought I was going to clean more but I ended up getting a killer headache so I took 2 Excedrin PMs & passed out at 9p. This morning I literally couldn’t even open my eyes til after 7a & was still exhausted…Moral of the story: I won’t be doing that again…
Tonight is kickball & I actually am super excited! We had to forfeit last week so we haven’t played in two weeks & actually haven’t seen half our team in two weeks. Wish us luck!
Happy Tuesday!
That’s all…xxTay!