I’m bringing up finances for two reasons; one being everyone should be a better budgeter & two, everyone should be a better saver…there’s always room for improvement! I was talking with a friend the other day & she was telling me she doesn’t have a savings account & my jaw hit the floor…
I personally think everyone should have a savings account. Not to be the mom but what if an emergency happens & you only have 35 cents in your bank account?? Then what??
Also, always keep track of your funds. What’s coming in and what’s going out. Never spend more than you make…even on a credit card!!
If you’re just starting off with saving start with skipping the morning coffee run every morning or ditch the k-cups & brew a pot of coffee. There’s always something that can be subtracted from your spending habits. If you’re already on a budget, start by saving; put away 10% of every paycheck each week or if paid bi-weekly 20%.
At first everything seems hard but soon you’ll get used to having 10% less spending money (come on it’s not that much) & budgeting will be second nature. Now, I’m not saying switch everything over to generic brands because I haven’t lost my mind…but a little change is good & you’ll see a difference in your bank account!
This might not help you this year, but I ALWAYS put my tax refund money away for Christmas presents. This way I’m not living pay check to pay check by December trying to get everyone the perfect gift last minute. This also helps me budget because I know I have a spending limit not to exceed!
If you spent your entire refund check or didn’t get one…there are so many deals on Black Friday & easy ways to save & still get more than your money’s worth!
Great post.
Love your purse!!
Effortlessly Sophisticated
Thank you!