So since quarantine started, I’m sure this applies a lot of you, I started doing my own nails and trying to be creative because I suck at painting them and hate waiting for them to dry!
Enter press on nails. I LOVE my press on nails and so does my sister BUT she uses glue and I use stickers. I started with press on nails but have moved on to press on nails that can be applied with a separate sticker adhesive. They’re a little more work and the only difference besides having to apply a sticker first would be you can save the nails and reuse them when they pop off because the adhesive is separate!

Anyway, I will list the pros and cons! Of press on (sticker adhesive) and press on (glue adhesive).
Glue Pros:
- cheap
- They last as long as getting them done in the salon
- Easy
- Super cute
- They don’t damage your nails as bad as in the salon
- Come off easier
Glue Cons:
- sizing and length can be difficult
- If you put them in crooked it’s hard to take them off right away
Sticker Pros:
- cheap
- easy
- can move around a bit while applying
- super cute
- absolutely no damage
- come off easier
Sticker Cons:
- lasts about a week
- you can feel them move when you grab something
- high maintenance because they’re held on by a sticker LOL
You can get them from Walmart, Target, drugstores and Amazon!
Personally, I like my natural nail so when I’m sick of them it’s way easier to take them off!
Super grateful that nail salons are open, though and have taken full advantage. But now I can switch between appointments and save money which would be the NUMBER ONE PRO LOL
That’s all…xxTay!