What bushy eyebrows you have!

So my best friend & I are obsessed with eye brows! I mean it’s 2020, who isn’t? Also, now that salons are opening back up, being obsessed with brows is kind of essential LOLI don’t touch my eyebrows unless I haven’t seen my brow girl in over a month…then I’ll pluck a few just to clean them up BUT ONLY A FEW! Honestly though, in quarantine I haven’t plucked or touched my brows once! The second my girl texted me saying she could start making appointments I filled up her first available slot!
I LOVE letting my eyebrows grow & get super bushy. Then I go into my girl & she tints them & cleans them up for me. Yes, I get them tinted. Although they are thick & dark, I am a dirty blonde so some areas are a little lighter than others. So when she tints them she makes them even & look even fuller & filled in!
Getting my brows done every other month seriously saves so much time in the morning when I only want to wear a tinted moisturizer & a little mascara. I feel like my brows complete my face so having them already done & PERFECT is a life saver!
I have heard of micro blading, my best friend got hers done before summer this year because she had super dark but thin ones & she loves them! I however, have bushy eyebrows, they are just on the light side so when I get them tinted & waxed I feel like that’s enough. But to each there own! If you are thinking about getting them done, even micro blading I would try tinting first (that’s what Court did & decided she needed a thicker brow) before taking that step. Only because it is so drastic & a little more permanent & who knows…you might only need a darker color to get a fuller look!
*Side story: Court was going to have Steph (my girl) do her brows but they wouldn’t grow. Steph kept telling her grow them out before she came in. However Court has naturally thin eyebrows so Steph never had her come in because they were already dark. She didn’t think tinting them would make THAT big of a difference & would just be a waste of money for Court. She always says she’s not gonna have someone pay for something if she doesn’t think it will help. Find someone who is honest & will give helpful tips NOT someone just trying to sell their services!
I don’t like my brows too clean or too drastic, I like them messy & natural looking but sometimes I’ll have my girl go as dark as almost black just so they last longer! She will literally call me nuts & I have toned it down a bit & let her do whatever she thinks is best for my face now…LOL!
If you are just testing it out, definitely ask your brow girl what she thinks & start lighter before you dive into something super dark (if you’re a blonde) & risk looking like Oscar the grouch!
Also, get them waxed afterwards! I didn’t book a wax after my tint & my girl made me get them done! Also, find someone who takes pride in her work! Thank God my girl is my friend & takes her work very seriously! I always say what I want & then she suggests what she thinks & I usually always go with her opinion & am VERY satisfied…hence me being a loyal customer for the last 4 years!
That’s all…xxTay!