I’m back from a weekend of no signals… Camping was fun. Two days is enough for me. I’m not sure how people can do it for any longer than that. We stayed in a cabin & had electricity, a stove & a refrigerator, so we weren’t exactly ‘roughing it’ but two days is all I could take. I’m not sure I would’ve survived without those essentials.
Along with food, we packed enough food & drinks to last a month. I definitely was the most sober one all weekend. I wanted to stay alert & coherent in case a man in a hockey mask decided to show up at our fire one night… No joke, in pitch black with 2 flashlights & no service, yeah right. That cabin door was dead bolted every night. Serious Camp Crystal Lake vibes if you ask me.
We all had a blast, though. Everyone got along great, even with being in such close quarters. Which we were! All the couples shared a twin bed & the cabins were full (there were 2 sets of bunk beds in each cabin & we rented 2 cabins).
We went to the lake were most of us (not me) tried fishing, no such luck. Standing around with a line in the water lasted about an hour before everyone was freezing & complaining, so we ditched that idea & went back to the cabins to eat! I made so many marshmallows that I declared myself ‘Queen of the Mallows.’ That title didn’t quit stick!aha
All in all it was a great trip that we all agreed to do annually. I suppose I can deal with camping once a year… camping definitely made me appreciate everything I came home to Sunday afternoon a lot more.
That being said I appreciate so much in my life so much more but I also have come to find that there are quite a few things I don’t appreciate & I really need to change those things in order to be happy. Last week I said I wanted to go camping & get out of this rut that I’m in & open my mind & eyes to what I really want to do with my life. Well, I think I knows what that is & I’ve been thinking this & saying this forever & I’m going to work & look up everything I need to know & do. I don’t want to do accounting for one more day let alone my whole life, so I’m ready to motivate myself to do something I think I would LOVE!
I also have an interview for a job I think I would much rather enjoy at a company I think I would love. Wish me luck!
Today I started the Bikini Series, so with that I hope to continue to open my mind & see things in new ways. A challenge like this also takes a lot of dedication & motivation, (especially those Booty Calls) as does a business so I hope this will put me in the right mind set to start a side hustle… You never know unless you try! So we’ll see as always I’ll keep you posted!
I hope everyone had a wonderful & enlightened weekend!
That’s all…xxTay!