I’m loving this nonstop warm weather. Even the bit of rain we got here on Saturday didn’t kill my summer vibes!
So recently my best friend & her hubby moved here from Texas where they’ve been living for waaaay toooo looong! She’s from here & he’s from Virginia & now they’re here to stay! So Friday, Max & I went there to see them, their new place & catch up. We ordered Chinese food & Hollyann’s best friend Nicole even came over!
Saturday, I had to work…so that morning I went for a short walk & after work I went for a short walk, so it equaled a long walk. I’m trying to get 10,000 steps a day & so far so good! That night we were going out for my friends Jodie & Courtney’s birthdays so Jodie came over before hand to get ready & drag Max out with us…We stopped for a late dinner before we went out & ate waaay too much…
Sunday, I walked to my mom’s to pick up a package & Jodie wanted to visit my parents so she met me there (she slept over but didn’t want to walk with me so she drove)…AHA! We hung out there for a bit before we left for brunch with a few of my friends & Max met us there, as well.
After brunch Max & I had some running around to do, I worked out (while Max took a nap), we did more running around & then ordered dinner & went to bed right after Very Cavelleri! So obsessed with this show already & it’s only on the second episode!
Monday, I had a TexMex dinner & spent my night working on details for Alison’s bachelorette while watching reruns of Very Cavelleri…I told you I’m obsessed…& went to bed earlier enough to get up for my AM workout!
Tonight, I’m going to see Hotel Transylvania 3 with Lindsey & Olivia & I CAN’T WAIT!!
Happy Tuesday!
That’s all…xxTay!