I hope everyone had great holidays!
What are your resolutions?
I have not one!
I lost my planner for a couple weeks & this included the first week of January, so that set 2018 off in the right direction…NO DIRECTION!
Max found my planner in his truck between the seat & the console from when we had to trade cars. Did I tell you guys that story?? Max backed my car into a pole so I had no window back there and the door was dented in. So we swapped for about 2 weeks & of course he got everything fixed & I got my baby back! Driving a pick-up truck is NOT my thing. But I was very grateful that I had a safe car to drive for the time being!
Anyway, this weekend flew by…I never work Sundays & this Sunday I had to work inventory for my part-time job. I work at Francesca’s one day a week & they asked if I could work Sunday night. Which I wish I never agreed to….I am so tired this blizzarding Monday morning!
Sunday morning, we went to brunch…SHOCKER! & after breakfast we took off for Max’s brother’s place to watch the Bills in the playoffs…They lost. Better luck next year! Right??
Saturday, I worked my full-time job & had a little CRAZY girl’s night afterwards! AKA I don’t remember coming home, but my friends made sure I got home safely…AHA! So brunch with a bloody Mary was entirely necessary Sunday morning. So were my 5 cups of coffee & Tim Horton’s run before the game!
Currently, writing in my planner for the next 4 weeks. Yes, I plan that far ahead. But plans are meant to change so it’s more of an outline for the 4 weeks. Tonight I have my first class to become a real estate sale’s person, which I’m so nervous about. I haven’t been in school for about 5 years…no, EXACTLY 5 years…I graduated college early in January 2013!
Wish me luck & Happy Monday!
That’s all…xxTay!